"Greener & Better Constructions for a Sustainable Future"

SEPTEMBER 16, 2023

About Green Build Tech

Odisha’s first forum to discuss and recognize green building technologies for a sustainable future in the state.

Construction Sector is a crucial driver of economic growth. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in India, driven by the country’s robust economic growth, increasing population, and expanding urbanisation. However, the construction sector significantly contributes to global CO2 emissions and global warming.

As there is a focus on addressing the issue of climate change and global warming across the world, the introduction of green ideas and practices in the construction industry holds critical importance. It is a sustainable approach to minimise carbon footprint, reduce the negative impact on the environment, and help reduce and conserve natural resources like energy and water.

Odisha’s first forum to discuss and recognize green building technologies for a sustainable future in the state.

Greener & Better
Constructions for a
Sustainable Future

Odisha Green BuildTech Conclave and Awards will bring the industry leaders, policymakers and experts in the construction and real estate sector to talk about green building technologies and the issues and challenges in building a green ecosystem for the sector.

The Construction Sector is a crucial driver of economic growth. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in India, driven by the country’s robust economic growth, increasing population

Key Objectives

To deliberate on the interrelationships between green building technologies and construction industry for building a sustainable future.

To sensitise the industry players on various green building technologies that can promote the sector while also addressing sustainability challenges.

To gain perspectives on how green building technologies are changing the sector

To discuss, understand and explore latest perspective and insights on green building technologies relevant policy & regulations, and benefits.

To promote collaboration between various industry players to foster a green building ecosystem in Odisha

To highlight various challenges and issues in developing green building ecosystem in Odisha

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Registration
10:30 AM – 10:40 AM Welcome Note
10:40 AM – 11:00 AM Keynote
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Expert Presentation:
                      Green Building – Concepts
                      and Opportunities
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM Tea Break & Networking
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM Expert Presentation:
                      G r e e n C o n s tr u c ti o n
12:15 PM – 01:00 PM Panel Discussion:
                      Developing Green Building
                      Ecosystem in Odisha
01:00 PM – 01:30 PM Valedictory &
                      Award Presentation
01:30 PM – 02:30 PM Lunch and Networking




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Key Objectives

Attendees of the Conclave can learn about latest trends and innovations in Green Building Technology and understanding about how to develop a green building ecosystem in Odisha

Attendees can learn about various green building materials available and how to make best use of these to create a sustainable future

The conclave will also provide a platform for networking to identify potential collaborators

Attendees can learn about the, and gain a better understanding of how to create sustainable solutions that benefit both their organization and society as a whole

The conclave will also provide a platform to raises issues of concern and highlight key challenges in the sector

The conclave will feature keynote speakers and panel discussions that provide practical advice and strategies.

Provides an opportunity to connect with other industry leaders and experts